Training & Workshops
Click here to watch a clip of a talk I gave at "Queering Psychotherapy" conference held in June 2019.
“I’d thought sexuality was instinctive or natural, but it’s profoundly linked to inner security and cultural context.”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
Sexual minorities are frequent users of therapy, and transgender clients need to see a therapist as a requirement to gain access to gender reassignment treatments, as well as for numerous other reasons.
However, training in issues relevant to lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and guidance on how to work with them in a respectful and enabling way is only now beginning to develop within psychology, counselling, and psychotherapy.
These workshops help practitioners to start addressing constructions of gender and sexuality in a positive and affirming way.
Film, video and personal exploration exercises are used to uncover and constructively discuss our beliefs, stereotyping and attitudes towards gender and sexual minorities, in a way that will both challenge participants but also facilitate them to engage with their clients in stimulating and practical ways.
Information is given, via power point presentation, about the contexts that influence LBGT lives before moving on to discuss therapy specific topics.
Case study work and role play will be used to focus in more depth on specific therapeutic issues that Gender and Sexual Minority clients may bring to the consulting room.
Intersectionality and cultural diversity is addressed throughout the training.
Future workshops:
Sat & Sun 18th & 19th May 2019: “Somewhere Under the Rainbow”
– A weekend encounter group for participants to explore and think in more depth about our own relationship to gender, sexuality and relationship diversities. For more information please click HERE.
Saturday, March 30th, 2019: “Intersecting Identities” Pink Therapy Conference. Our seventh conference is themed around intersectionality. The conference is open to counsellors and psychotherapists, clinical sexologists and psychosexual therapists, counselling and clinical psychologists, and those trained in somatic sexual bodywork and sex coaches. For more information please click HERE.
Saturday 22nd June, 2019. London. “Confer – Queering Psychotherapy” This unique conference will explore the advances made in improving the mental health of gender, sexuality and relationship diverse (GSRD) people in the UK.
Friday 29th November. TCCR London:For more information please click HERE.
Friday 29th November. TCCR London: Queering the couple Relationship : The challenges of working with polyamorous, open and other relationship configurations.
We live in a cisgendered and heterosexist society that privileges monogamy as the gold standard for mature couple relating. It is viewed as the bedrock of enduring couple relationships and a key foundational stone for family life. Increasingly, however, couple therapists are being presented with a …